What Drives Us

Our Mission

Experiment with state of the art technology to reduce the inequality gap in urban environments – reaching out and helping people off the streets.

We believe each positive interaction is an opportunity to help people experiencing homelessness make progress towards individual goals.

We believe technology can help.

What we do


to help urban nomads

Our technology provides support and resources for people that want to change their lives and get out of the streets, and those helping them.

VirTual Assistant & Case management platform

Helping people on the spot via Artificial Intelligence and Automation and reducing the costs and effectiveness of the local Social Workforce.

Mobile Camp solutions

Experimenting with different types nomadic urban lifestyles: nomadic shelters for camps, solo traveler solutions or self reliable groups.

Ai to understand homelessness

Who? Where? How? Creating Data Sensors for a better understanding of the problem and creating effective solutions to the homelessness situation.

Our Technology



Virtual Assistant & Case Management Platform

Organize your case managers and neighbors to help more effectively.

  • Felix: The Urban Nomad Assistant.
  • Dashboard to manage cases.
  • Sharing economies platform.
  • Machine learning analytics.


Affordable Housing & Nomadic Camps

Developing technology to drastically reduce affordable housing costs and production time.
Camps need to be easily deployed and relocated to adapt to current growing cities.

In collaboration with Shelter 2.0 and Matter of Trust we built a CNC tiny house for $1,000 that can be deployed in ~5 hours and dismounted in another ~5 hours to be easily transported to a new location or storage.

We believe this nomadic re-deployable affordable temporary housing solutions are needed for:

  • Sanctioned homeless camps
  • Refugee camps
  • Natural disaster recovery camps





Experimental mobile housing solutions

Mobile, fold-able, and easy to deploy for the modern Urban Nomads.

  • Bike Shelters
  • Car shelters
  • Fold-able tiny houses


Homelessness is an experience, it isn’t a label [defining] a person.  Just like someone isn’t cancer, it’s a difficult experience. Homelessness is an experience, not who a person is.

Kara Zordel

Former CEO, Project Homeless Connect

AI that helps

Using Data Science

better understanding


Each person and each circumstance is different.

We improve ourselves by learning from every case and experience: our first step is a better understanding of the problem with more and reliable data.

We are building collaboration programs to partner with organizations with similar interests and goals. If you are interested please contact us.

shelter & Hygiene

The first step to achieve a personal project or find a job is to get good nights of sleep: having a roof, safe storage and safety. Depending on each person’s situation we offer different types of help for shelter.

making it possible

Meet us

Pablo Ferrari

Pablo Ferrari

Eclectic Engineer

Alvaro Dominguez de Luna

Alvaro Dominguez de Luna


Deepanshu Madan

Deepanshu Madan

Product Manager

Sean Dekkers

Sean Dekkers

Industrial Designer

Rafael Herrero Solis

Rafael Herrero Solis

Full Stack Engineer

Get involved

how to help


When you are homeless, a simple smile and a word of kindness can make a big difference in a day full of hardship.

You can volunteer for:

  • Field engagement: Engage in compassionate human interaction with urban nomads around you. No credits needed, just do it and improve your life.
  • Software: We are looking for people talented in software technologies: mobile, web, systems, firmware, data science or machine learning.
  • Construction & Design: Construction, design or architectural knowledge with a passion for innovation is always needed.
  • Other: Tell us your skills and we’ll figure it out. We just look for the right attitude!

Contact us!

1 + 12 =

contact Info

Please contact us if you want to collaborate, volunteer, or learn more about our projects.
